Friday, March 2, 2012

Creativity In Us All

Having started off first with soap making and The Skin You're In and then to journals and leather wrap bracelets with Bound & Wound, I'm now on another journey of a creative sort, that is my spiritual awakening. My grandmother taught me to knit, crochet, to sew and what made this even more special was the fact that she was legally blind.  In times when my grandmother was not spending time with the family and then after she had passed, my mother, gifted with abilities to sew as well, would help me when I hit a road block.  I happily made my blouses, pants and dresses, picking out the material and the patterns with diligence and passion...up until the patterns and material became so expensive it was no longer cost effective for me to make my own clothes.  

Being raised in a Christian home, I have a strong belief in God as our Heavenly Creator and Jesus as our Savior.  I knew that my love for sewing, needlework and even tole painting were all creative gifts from God and I always felt that there was something more, something deeper within us all.  I longed to find out exactly what that was.  My oldest sister Louise, started this Spiritual ball rolling by learning all about her psychic abilities and I absolutely loved what I felt and what I saw where her growth and development were concerned.

Roll the proverbial clock forward approximately seven years and here I am, on my own psychic development quest.  My desire to learn all about these spiritual gifts we were each born with, heightened by my desire to help others, has opened many doors for my growth to continue.

Oh, I still have my love for making soaps, including other natural skin care products, I thoroughly love making my journals of leather or other unique materials, the leather and gemstone wrap bracelets because I believe these creative outlets make way for my expression, my love, my passion which continually open me up to deeper spiritual experiences.

This is me...this is me happy, centered, grounded and following my path.

Where we can be found:

On LivePerson, you can find me under Sue Connects. The link is to the right.

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